Categories for Custom Store Experiences

In addition to the built-in category methods for building your customers' store experience, such as the structures you can build with the /SPECIAL and /CAROUSEL root categories, you can create your own root URLs to make custom store experiences for your customers. These custom experiences are not accessed directly when customers navigate the self-care app or web portal, but the access points are limited to where links are supported.

You can enter any legal URI in the URL field of a category. As long as that URI doesn't begin with any of the pre-defined URIs (/SPECIAL, /CAROUSEL, /BANNERS, and the other internal link locations), a location is created that can be accessed only directly.

You then crate a custom URI. If you want, you can create sub-categories as well. For example, if you created a /PROMOITEMS root category, you could also create sub-categories with /PROMOITEMS/spring, /PROMOITEMS/fall, and /PROMOITEMS/winter as the sub-category URIs. You then put products in each of those sub-categories.

These links can be used in any field that accepts rich text, such as product descriptions or pop-up notification deliveries. For example, you could create a time-based notification and send the /PROMOITEMS/spring link to your customer on the first day of spring.

You can also use these custom links in external products and feature those products in banners.