Categories for Featuring Products

When you want to draw attention to particular products or offers, you can make them featured. Service Design Center allows you to feature products in rotating banners at the top of store category pages.

You can also create categories to feature products in other places in the self-service app and in the web portal, such as where products are listed or where payment methods are shown. These categories use the URL field defining a uniquely named URL that is used to manage and organize featured products outside store category pages. That URL is /BANNERS (all upper case). When you use the /BANNERS URL in a category, the system has the information it needs to extend the display of featured products.

You then create sub-categories of the /BANNERS category, one for each layout component you define in the branding framework. For more information on how to configure this, see Featured Products and Feature a Product.

Because Service Design Center uses categories for this extended functionality, it means that you can use restrictions to define which customers will and will not see the banners.